
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Revoluminary Thoughts has Moved!

Check us out at http://revoluminary.com/blog/ or click here!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Dorm Room Entrepreneurs

I’d like to extend my thanks to Chris Pund over at DormRoomBiz.com for getting us some attention on his blog about student entrepreneurship. While a lot of students go through college worrying about classes and interviewing for jobs, a self-selecting minority doesn’t wait for graduation to earn some cash. The DormRoomBiz blog helps students find ways to earn money from their dorm rooms, be it via blogging, reselling on eBay, designing web pages or even mowing lawns!

Revoluminary presents an entirely new opportunity for students by allowing them to start their own tutoring businesses without ever leaving their dorm rooms. In fact, we are looking for exactly the type of entrepreneurially-minded students that Chris features on his blog. Anyone that speaks a second language, knows how to conduct interviews or has taken classes that others need help with can now earn money as an online tutor. Thanks again, Chris.

Check out the posting below:



Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A new look

Things are progressing here at Revoluminary, and I thought I'd give a quick update. As several of you have noticed, we've spruced up the homepage recently! This is the first of a number of changes that will be unveiled over the summer as we continue to evolve Revoluminary and to improve the look, feel, and features available to our community.

I'd also like to welcome Max to the team. We're excited to have him on board and cranking away. Max will be heading up our online marketing effort and comes to us with a very strong background in tech enabled education.

- Pete

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting the Word Out

With the headcount here at Revoluminary growing exponentially (with the addition of yours truly), we're excited to aggressively push to get the word out about our site. While students may be out for the summer, we'll be pushing hard to improve the site and provide more features for our users.

For example, the good folks at www.DarnGoodReviews.com just wrote an awesome review of Revoluminary. Check us out:

Get reviewed at Darn Good Reviews.com

Traveling abroad this summer? Take a language class! In preparation for my trip to Jordan, I personally took "Arabic Lessons 01", a class from Antoinette and Paul over in Egypt. They taught me some reading basics and a few phrases to get around. Paul also made good use of our Course Files feature and had a PowerPoint presentation ready to go through. We went through fairly quickly, and he had a second one ready (so I got two lessons for the price of one!).

Look forward to exciting things coming out of Revoluminary this summer. While students may be out of school, we'll be pushing hard to improve the site and include more features. Next month, we'll be rolling out a few FREE resources for our students to improve their experience outside of our interactive classroom.
